The LD's position with respect to the
wall fully take advantage of the LD 120
acoustic system, we recommend placing
the device opposite and nearby one of
your room's walls. The sound from both
loudspeakers located at the rear of the
enclosure can thus be reflected on the
enclosure to obtain a high-quality ste-
reophonic listening and an immersive
sound, whether seated or in the vicinity
of the device.
Filling your room with sound
The spatialisation of the «Wide Stereo
Sound» (patent pending) is the result of
research aimed at obtaining stereopho-
nic sound renderings of homogeneous
quality under all circumstances, whether
the listener is alone or in a group, seated
or standing, nearby the furniture or not.
Besides enhancing the greatest listener
mobility with respect to the LD 120,
these researches have contributed, in
addition, to preserving the sound per-
formances of the devices, regardless of its
location inside the listening room, thus
reducing installation constraints for the
user.The LD 120 side baffles allow enlar-
ging the stereophonic listening area, mi-
nimising the effects of possible reflecting
side obstacles, and offering a stereopho-
nic listening from one of the furniture's
sides by reducing the nearby effects from
one channel to the other.
As a result, the listener does not have to
be in the central position to obtain an
agreeable rendering of the stereophonic
image (which also allows the possibility
of several listeners simultaneously en-
joying a stereophonic sound broadcast).
Furthermore, it is no longer indispen-
sable to strive to place the LD 120 per-
fectly symmetrical with respect to the
side walls of the room.