Monster Clean Power performs two tasks that are vital to maintaining optimum home theater performance:
1) noise filtration and 2) noise isolation. The higher the Clean Power stage number (1-5), the more sophisticated
and advanced the filters are that reject noise generated on the AC powerline. In addition, the higher the Clean Power
stage number, the more isolation that exists between connected equipment for maximum rejection of component
generated noise.
Monster PowerCenters featuring Clean Power circuitry are each designated with a Clean Power Stage.
The High Definition PowerCenter1800 incorporates Monster HD Clean Power filters and Clean Power Stage 2 circuitry
which filters both AC powerline noise and reduces noise generated by your connected equipment. Monster Clean Power
Stage 2 features two ultra-advanced isolated filters optimized for high definition digital and audio components, and ultra
high current audio outlets that provide the best possible AC powerline noise rejection and inter-component for improved
component-generated noise rejection. These features make the High Definition PowerCenter1800 ideal for high definition
digital AV systems and home theaters. To learn more about patented Monster Clean Power and the complete product
family of PowerCenters, voltage stabilizers, and amplifiers, please visit
Actual spectrum analyzer
AC power line filtered
photo of AC power pollution
by Monster Clean Power