Observe regular maintenance intervals to ensure maximum performance and life
from the pressure washer. Refer to the schedule for recommended maintenance. If you
operate the pressure washer in dusty conditions, perform maintenance checks more
MAIntenAnCe sChedule
Maintenance Schedule
teChnICAl And ConsuMer InforMAtIon
Horizontal Oriented Pressure Washers
Pump Detergent Suction
Water to detergent ratio
Water Supply Requirements
Minimum inlet pressure
Maximum inlet pressure
Maximum inlet temperature
Minimum inlet flow rate
Inlet garden hose size
Maximum inlet garden hose length
Action needed
Check water inlet screen and filter.
10 to 1 (10% detergent)
20 psi
100 psi
100˚ F
5 gpm
5/8 in. I.D.
50 ft
Models PW1625, PW1825, and PW1835