This product comes with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer
Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and for compensation for
any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods
repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not
amount to a major failure. If purchased within Australia or New Zealand, this product comes
with a One-year warranty from date of purchase. Defects in the product must have appeared
within One year from date of purchase, in order to claim the warranty. All warranty claims
must be facilitated back through the retailer of purchase in accordance with the retailer's
return policies and procedures. Any expenses incurred, as a result of returning the product to
the retailer of purchase are the full responsibility of the consumer.
Level 2, 2 Darling Street South Yarra, Australia VIC 3141 Email: +61 (3) 9867 2666
More information available via web-search of each symbol name.
The WEEE symbol informs the end-user about separate disposal requirements for
WEEE (Waste of electrical and electronic equipment) as required per the Article
11(2) of the WEEE Directive and prescribed by European standard EN50419:2005.
CE (Conformité Européene aka European Conformity) is a certification mark that
indicates conformity with health, safety, and environmental protection standards
for products sold within the European Economic Area.
The Regulatory Compliance Mark is a visible indication of a product's compliance
with all applicable ACMA (Australian Communications and Media Authority)
regulatory arrangements, including all technical and record-keeping requirements
regarding the electrical safety and/or electromagnetic compatibility (EMC).
2-Year Limited Warranty: Visit for details.
Pour des informations de dépannage supplémentaires, reportez-vous à votre manuel
d'utilisation Xbox.
"Les jeux vidéo peuvent provoquer des douleurs des muscles, des articulations, de la peau
ou des yeux. Respectez les consignes suivantes pour éviter les problèmes tels que tendinite,
syndrome du canal carpien, irritation cutanée ou fatigue oculaire :
• Évitez de jouer trop longtemps. Faites une pause de 10 à 15 minutes après chaque heure de
jeu, même si vous n'en ressentez pas la nécessité. Les parents doivent s'assurer que leurs
enfants jouent de manière appropriée. • Si vous ressentez de la fatigue ou une douleur dans
vos mains, poignets, bras ou yeux pendant le jeu, ou des symptômes tels que picotements,
engourdissement, brûlure ou raideur, arrêtez de jouer et reposez-vous pendant plusieurs
heures avant de reprendre le jeu. • Si l'un des symptômes cités persiste ou si vous ressentez
une gêne prolongée pendant ou après le jeu, arrêtez de jouer et consultez un médecin.