The regulator must alw ays be transported
separately so as to prevent it from being in
contact with the other components o f the
equipment or with other heavy or pointed
To assemble the regulator properly onto the
valves, proceed as f ollo ws:
W hen assembling a first stage with Y O KE
connection, check the O-Ring embedded
in the valve; in case o f THREA D connec-
tion, the O-ring is housed in the first stage.
The O-ring must be in perf ect condition,
free from cuts or porosity; it is advisable to
have some spare ones, so that it may be re-
placed at once in case the above signs o f
damage are detected.
Check that all the hoses are properly con-
nected to the first stage and that they do
not sho w apparent signs of w ear or damage.
O pen the valve let out a small quantity o f
compressed air, thus clearing the nozzle
from any f oreign matter.
Remove the filter protection cap inserted
on the relevant connections.
Check for filter integrity and proper cleaning.
Position the first stage on the valve and
start scre wing it up using the knob, in case
o f yoke connection, or the sw ivel scre w, in
case o f thread connection.
Slo wly open the cylinder valve counter-
clock wise taking care to avoid violent and
sudden air flo w through the regulator; at
the same time, it is recommended to let
out a breath of air from the second stage
by keeping the latter slightly depressed
do not carry out this operation if ambient
temperature is lo w er than +10°C.
Depress t wice or three times the purge
button o f the second stage to discharge
dust or f oreign matter. Finally, breathe
from the second stage to make sure that
everything w orks properly.
Do not carry out this operation if ambient
temperature is lo w er than +10°C.
Check the cylinder internal pressure by
means o f the appropriate pressure gauge.
In order to optimize the positioning o f the
diff erent valves, it is recommended to pla-
ce the main and secondary regulators on
the right hand side and the service valves
(pressure gauge hose, jacket hose, and dry
diving suit hose) on the le f t.
The valve must be f ully open be f ore dive
W hen the regulator is not held in your
mouth at the time o f plunging into the
w ater, it is advisable to submerge it com-
pletely to prevent air discharge due to its
high sensitivity.
The Octopus or the second sa f ety regula-
tor should be used in PRE-DIVE position
and with the appropriate cap fitted on the
mouthpiece to prevent the entrance o f f o-
reign matters or accidental air delivery.
Do not rotate the first stage connected
w ith the cylinder with the system under
W hen the regulator is not held in your
mouth, air self-delivery may occur. This in-
convenience may be easily eliminated by
rotating the regulator upside do w n w hile
checking that the same has been previou-
sly filled w ith w ater.
The use o f suitable containers f or mouth-
piece protection will prevent such inconve-
nience and will also provide a cover f or the
passage inside the second stage, thus re-
moving the risks o f sand and dirt introduc-
tion into it.
Check that the regulations placed on the
Diamond second stage are set in such a
w ay as to f ully exploit the advantages pro-
Your regulator is made o f very high-quality
materials and has undergone exhaustive sea-
w a t er t estin g. H o w ever, every preca u tio n
shall be taken in order to protect the equip-
ment from the corrosive action o f salt.
Belo w is the procedure to be f ollo w ed a f ter
surf acing or on board at the end o f the dive.
The first operation to be carried out a f ter the
dive is to disassemble the equipment used.
Close the valve by turning it clock wise; di-
scharge all the residual air remaining in
the regulator system by actuating the se-
cond stage pushbutton.
This o p era tio n m ay re q uire several se-
conds, as the air leaving the pressure gau-