It is recommended that all trampoline users familiarize themselves with these
fundamental bounces, practicing them carefully to gain mastery.
The Basic Bounce
Start from a standing position, feet shoulder width apart
with head and eyes on the mat.
Swing your arms forward end up and around in a circular
Bring feet together while in mid-air and point toes
Keep your feet shoulder width apart for your landing on the mat.
The Braking Manouevre
Occasionally they may lose control of their jump and
bounce wildly. Performing the braking manouevre will allow
the user to regain control of the jump and their balance.
Start with a basic bounce.
As you land, bend your knees sharply and this will allow
you to stop your jump.
The Hands and Knees Bounce
Start with a low controlled basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees keeping your back straight.
Emphasis should be directed at a good four-point landing,
and not on jumping height.
Knee Bounce
Start with a low controlled basic bounce.
Land on your knees keeping your back straight, body
erect, and use your arms to maintain balance.
Bounce back to the basic upright bounce position by
swinging your arms up.
Seat Bounce
Land in a flat sitting position.
Place your hands on the mat beside your hips.
Return to an erect position by pushing yourself up
with your hands.