Purchase date
Serial number
Retailer's seal Stamp:
EN: The Bewellconnect® device limited warranty provides that the Bewellconnect® devices will be free
from material defects impacting performance in accordance with the documentation for a period of
one (1) year when used under normal conditions consistent with the documentation, subject to the
terms and limitations set forth below.
The Bewellconnect® device limited warranty is granted only to the original purchaser of the Bewell-
connect® device, and is non-transferable. For the sake of clarity, in the case of a refurbishment of the
Bewellconnect® device for the use of a different end-user during the original one-year term of the
Bewellconnect® device limited warranty, the Bewellconnect® device limited warranty shall continue
to be in effect for the remainder of such original one-year term. A purchase invoice or other proof of
purchase will be required for after-sales service, in accordance with the Bewellconnect® device limited
warranty. The purchase invoice is mandatory to be able to benefit from the Bewellconnect® device
limited warranty.
The Bewellconnect® device limited warranty will be invalidated where serial numbers on products
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BewellConnect - BW-CX10 - User Manual - 042017v3