FACTORY RESET – (NO default): This setting is used to reset the camera to its factory defaults.
With this option blinking, pressing the UP or DOWN arrow buttons will switch between the two
options of NO or YES. When the YES option is chosen and the ENTER button is press the camera
will default all configurations made up to this point. Once reset is completed the screen will flash
DONE and return to the main options menu.
DELETE SD CARD – (NO default): This setting is used to format the SD memory card installed. This
will also delete ALL FILES from the card. This is always recommended to do when a brand new
card is being used. With this option blinking, use the UP or DOWN arrow key to move between
the options either YES or NO. When YES is choosen you will see the screen say dEL-‐-‐-‐, then DONE.
Once completed the screen will return back to the main options menu.
QUIT – This setting will allow you to exit the main options menu and enter camera-ready mode,
simply press the ENTER button.