For T-30/50/80: the exhaust duct clean-out panel (as shown below) must be closed while the dryer is in service:
Keep closed while in service
The solid state ignition system lights the main burner gas by spark. The gas is ignited and burns only when the
gas-valve relay (in the electronic controller) calls for heat. The procedure for first-time starting of a dryer is as
A. First, review and comply with the "WARNINGS ABOUT USE AND OPERATION" found on the inside front
cover of this manual. Be sure the electrical power supply is connected correctly. The dryer MUST be properly
B. Make sure all gas supply lines are purged of air. Close the main gas shut-off valve and wait for five minutes
before turning the valve back on.
8514-291-001 REV E PAGE 24
(For T-30/50/80 only)
Slide open for routine cleaning