Elektronic test device Leak Check LPG PRO
We guarantee that the product will function as intended and will not leak during
the legally specified period. The scope of our warranty is based on Section 8 of
our terms and conditions of delivery and payment.
All the information contained in this assembly and operating manual is the result of product
testing and corresponds to the level of knowledge at the time of testing and the relevant
legislation and standards at the time of issue. We reserve the right to make technical changes
without prior notice. Errors and omissions excepted. All figures are for illustration purposes
only and may differ from actual designs.
Regler- und Armaturen-Gesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Obernbreiter Straße 2-18 • 97340 Marktbreit / Germany
Tel.: +49 9332 404-0 • Fax: +49 9332 404-43
E-Mail: info@gok-online.de • Internet: www.gok-online.de
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