B� Description of association groups:
Group 1 – "Lifeline" – only 1 node
Lifeline messages
- Device Reset Locally
- Notifications:
0x09 ( System ) – Hardware failure with manufacturer proprietary code ( 0x03 )
0x09 ( System ) – Software failure with manufacturer proprietary code ( 0x04 )
0x07 ( Home security ) – Motion Begin event ( 0x08 )
0x07 ( Home security ) – Motion End event ( 0x00, 0x08 )
- Binary Switch Report – lamp state
- Multilevel Sensor Report – value of internal ambient light sensor
Motion Begin and Motion End events are sent along with frames to group 3.
If multichannel association is created the events are sent from motion sensor
Switch Report is sent immediately upon a change of status along with frames
to group 2. If multichannel association is created the events are sent from relay
Multilevel Sensor Report is sent a maximum of once per 1 minute (if the value
has changed by least by 3%) and a minimum of once per 15 minutes (if the val-
ue has not changed). If the ambient light value is old (cannot measure because
of permanent light), the value is not transmitted via lifeline. Multilevel Sensor
Report can be also added to some other events to send in bulk. If multichannel
association is created the events are sent from light sensor endpoint.
All notifications to lifeline are sent as sensor states regardless of sensor settings
Group 2 – "On/Off control" – max 16 nodes
Group 2 is used for directly controlling Z-Wave devices via BASIC SET com-
mands through the evaluation of movement and light as with internal use (so
that all of these devices work together). This is intended for use especially with
third-party devices that do not implement reactions for motion events. BA-
SIC_SET and similar Z-Wave commands are not retransmitted intentionally to
slaves and must be sent to slave devices via the controlling device simultane-
ously. Only for use in master-slave system, multidevice control is not possible.
Group 2 is evaluated and frames are transmitted there also in SLAVE_MODE,
regardless of LOCAL_DISABLED state and when MOTION_ENABLE is off (not
using internal motion sensor just reacts for remote motion events then).
If multichannel association is created the events are send from motion sensor
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Group 3 – "Notification Report" – max 16 nodes
Group 3 sends MOTION_BEGIN and MOTION_END frames.
MOTION_BEGIN frame = Notification 0x07 ( Home security ) – Motion detection
without location ( 0x08 )
MOTION_END frame = Notification 0x07 ( Home security ) – After first motion
detection MOTION_BEGIN is sent. If continual movement is detected
MOTION_BEGIN is sent every 1 minute repeatedly. When motion ends,
MOTION_END is sent 5 seconds after the last motion detection.
Notification to group 3 is sent only when NIGHT_MODE = ON and MOTION_
ENABLE = ON, regardless of LOCAL_DISABLE state.
All devices in a group should have the same TIME settings in order that they
switch off at the same time.
If multichannel association is created the events are send from motion sensor
Group 4 – "Ambient light" – max 16 nodes
Ambient Light via group 4 is intended to substitute locally measured LUX
values in target devices – so that the network can have one source of ambi-
ent light value. The frame rate is a value being sent a maximum of once per
2.5 minutes, and a minimum of once per 15 minutes.
When device already uses remote Ambient light value, then this value is also
retransmitted to group 4.
All devices in such a group should have the same LIGHT ( threshold ) settings
in order that night mode is detected at the same time.
If multichannel association is created the events are send from light sensor
The lifeline messages are sent via Root lifeline if not used multichannel
Group 2 – its mirror of group 2 of root
Group 3 – its mirror of group 3 of root
The lifeline messages are sent via Root lifeline if not used multichannel
Group 2 – its mirror of group 4 of root
The lifeline messages are sent via Root lifeline if not used multichannel
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