You can enter a device description with up to 16 characters for the
module. The module sends this name with every SMS at the beginning
for identification.
For sending e-mails, you have to state the provider of the inserted SIM
card. Previously the sending and receiving of e-mails must be activated
on the SIM card. If you enter the provider here, the right gateway number
is set automatically (8000 for T-Mobile, 3400 for Vodafone D2, 7676245
for E-Plus and 6245 for O2) as well as the right fax prefix number (99 for
T-Mobile, 88 for Vodafone D2, 1151 for E-Plus and 329 for O2). If your
desired number combination is not among these, enter it at „other
providers" (see chapter „Information about SMS, FAX and EMAIL").
You can enter up to 12 telephone numbers (PHONE) here. You have to
enter all phone numbers from which the module is supposed to be called
and receive an SMS and those that can send an SMS to the module.
Telephone numbers should be entered in international format, e.g.
„+491701234567". To check the format of your telephone number, sim-
ply call the module and refer to the status display in the software. When
calling the module and sending an SMS to the module, the number must
be transmitted.
Phone numbers are limited to 16 digits.
You can enter up to 4 fax numbers (FAX) here. You have to enter all fax
numbers to which the module is supposed to be able to send a fax. Fax
numbers are entered like „normal" phone numbers, e.g. „01805312110".
Do not enter a prefix number here; the module inserts this automatically
(see chapter „Information on SMS, FAX and EMAIL")! The fax numbers
including the prefix number are limited to 20 digits.