Time server
At the start up of the BS1000 and in certain time intervals (provided that
the system has been configured accordingly), the time is requested from an
Internet time server and the internal clock of the base system is updated by
this time.
The clock of the BS1000 system is powered by a button cell when the
station is switched off. Therefore the BS1000 system will always register
new measurement data after switching on. This applies also for operation
without PC nor network link.
The Messenger function is based on the availability of the internal clock.
This clock uses the standard time (UTC). The adjustment of the time zone is
entered in minutes into the field „Time Zone Offset". The time indicated on
the web pages of the BS1000 is local time and based on the time settings of
the PC in charge of the browser.
The admin pages of the BS1000 can only be accessed via a password. The
standard password is 'admin' and can be changed on this page.
Fig.11. Time server
Fig.12. Password