Software operation
The temperature data will be received and stored as soon as the Windows
system has been started. Therefore it is not necessary to start the tempera-
ture-logger program to store new data.
The program offers following functions:
•Graphic display of the measured temperatures for every individual sensor
•Settings for every individual sensor
•Export data in various formats
For further details please refer to the on-line help for the program.
In addition to that, the software contains many extra tools:
The NetworkConfig tool to help you detect the
network parameters that the BS1000 is using.
The RuleEditor Tool which is a tool to build the
messenger-control file that you need to control the
built-in Messenger facility. Furthermore, the BS1000
web server offers some administrative pages for
various settings.
NetworkConfig Tool
The NetworkConfig-tool requests the network parameters of a BS1000
connected via USB. To this end, the temperature-logger software should be
installed already. These network parameters allow you to look directly at the
BS1000 web server. The standard settings of the BS1000 sets the network
name to 'log' followed by two digits. This name is depicted on the BS1000
housing. With this name you can browse directly to the webserver of the
BS1000. The networkconfig tool is used to read or change its network
settings directly, if first connection is not possible see page 46.
In addition to the NetWorrkConfg Tool, the BS1000 web server contains
administrative pages in which you can set the parameters of the various
- Network parameter
- E-mail parameter
- Messenger parameter
- Sensor parameter
- Internet time parameter
- Password
- Event Log parameter
(important for troubleshooting)
Login with your browser to
the IP address of the BS1000
- DHCP of the Router
(f.e. AVG could give problems)