This provides effects which can be controlled using
the expression pedal. PEDAL provides volume pedal,
PEDAL-mod (modulation-type effects), and PEDAL-
amb (ambiance-type effects).
ENTER key: Turn the effect on/off (the type name
is displayed when on, and "OFF" when
TYPE [√]/[®] keys: Select the effect type
VALUE [-]/[+] keys: Specify the value of the param-
eter assigned to each effect
type (
PEDAL-mod cannot be used simultaneously
with MOD effects. One or the other effect will
be turned off. Also, if the MOD effect is auto-
matically turned off, turning PEDAL off or se-
lecting an effect other than PEDAL-mod will au-
tomatically turn it on once again. Similarly,
PEDAL-amb and AMB effects cannot be used
This provides spatial effects such as reverb and delay.
ENTER key: Turn the effect on/off (the type name
is displayed when on, and "OFF" when
TYPE [√]/[®] keys: Select the effect type
VALUE [-]/[+] keys: Specify the value of the param-
eter assigned to each effect
The cabinet resonator (CR) simulates the acoustical
characteristics of the cabinet of a guitar amplifier. It is
particularly effective when you are not using an amp
(e.g., when headphones, mixer, hard disk recorder,
or an audio system is connected).
ENTER key: Turn the effect on/off (the type name
is displayed when on, and "OFF" when
TYPE [√]/[®] keys: Select the cabinet size
3. Editing other parameters
VALUE [-]/[+] keys: Specify the depth of the effect
Adjust the depth of noise reduction. Raising this value
will produce more noise reduction. Normally you will
adjust this so that you do not hear obtrusive noise
when the strings are lightly muted.
VALUE [-]/[+] keys: Adjust the depth of noise re-
It is not possible to turn noise reduction off.
If this value is raised excessively, the sound
may be cut off prematurely, depending on the
device that is connected. If this occurs, reduce
the value.
Adjust the level for each program.
Depending on the DRIVE or TONE settings, the out-
put sound may be distorted (clipped), so adjust this
parameter so that the sound is not distorted.
VALUE [-]/[+] keys: Set the level accordingly
The volume of each program (each tone) will
change depending on the guitar you use. Ad-
just the level as appropriate for your guitar.
Here you can specify a name for each program.
TYPE [√]/[®] key: Select the character location
(the selected character will
VALUE [-]/[+] keys: Select the character
Simultaneously pressing [+] and [-] will insert a space
The following characters and symbols are available.
Edit mode