With memory
Brief press = on at previous level / off
Long press when off = dimming up from 0%
Dimming up: dimmer stops at maximum light intensity
Dimming down: dimmer stops for 2s. at min. and then dims up
Every new (long) press reverses the dimming direction.
Without memory
Brief press = on at maximum level/off. The rest of the operation is
analogous to the operation with memory.
Push button control:
brief press < 400ms.
long press > 400ms.
= on/off
= dimming up/down
3.5 Capacity diagram
Capacity at 50Hz
Vermogen bij 50Hz
In case the dimmers are placed near eachother, they can be loaded
for max. 80%.
Regular control of the connections and the ventilation in the cupboard.
The dimmer is provided with a LED which indicates the load condition.
If the LED is not lit:
- the dimmer is turned off (load not dimmable, neither in phase control
nor in reverse phase control)
- the mains voltage is not connected
- the load is not connected or is too high
- the lamp or the used cable is defective
- the thermal protection is activated
- combination of the above-mentioned causes
If the red LED continuously blinks or lights, even after you pressed a push
button (see 3.2. Automatic switching), the dimmer operates according to
the correct dim principle.
This situation is an indication of:
- overload
- overvoltage or overcurrent
- short circuit
- a non-dimmable load.
The dimmer is provided with thermal protection. If the temperature rises
too high because of overhead, the dimmer is automatically dimmed
to approx. 40%. In case the temperature continues to increase, the
dimmer is switched off.
In this case you should:
- Check whether the load is not too high, considering the power factor
of the ferromagnetic transformers.
- Check the temperature in the distribution board (max 35°C). If this is
too high, you need to provide extra ventilation. Provide an outlet on the
top of the board. Install a ventilator if necessary.
- If several modules are placed next to each other: provide an interspace
of at least 1 module via adjusted blind panels.
- When mounting the dimmer near to an audio installation it is recom-
mended to provide the connecting wires between the different parts of
the installation with shielded wire.
- Signals sent via the mains can disturb the functioning of the dimmer.
A PLC filter is built in to suppress this effect.
- In normal use, this dimmer will produce a limited amount of heat. You
have to provide a heat outlet. Do not cover the dimmer with isolating
material. Keep in mind that the maximum amount of power is limited
when several dimmers are placed on top of or next to each other.
- When several dimmers are built into a distribution board, the temperature
in this board can be higher than the ambient temperature. This can
influence the functioning of the dimmer (limited maximum amount of
power – thermal protection). Provide enough ventilation in the distribution
board so that the board temperature is always lower than the t a value
indicated on the appliance (35°C). Do not place the dimmers next to
each other when they are all loaded to the maximum.
- When using halogen lighting with ferromagnetic transformers, pay
attention to the output of the transformers. Load these transformers
with at least 80% of their normal power. Pay attention to the output of
the used transformer when determining the total load of the dimmer.
The transformer has to be suited for dimming.
nv Niko sa
- Electronic transformers can be out of balance when the wire length
between the transformers and the lamps is longer than 2m.
- Conduct of the appliance after power cut < 3s.: back to previous
situation. Conduct of the appliance after power cut > 3s.: the dimmer
remains switched off.
- The dimmer is never deconnected electrically from the mains by operating
the control. All parts are therefore always live even if the load (e.g. the
light) is switched off.
- These dimmers are not suitable for controlling motors unless the specific
safety requirements are guaranteed by external systems.
- Mains supply: 230V~ ±10%, frequency 50Hz
- Dimensions: H 92,4 x D 66 x W 17,5mm
- Mounting: DIN-rail
- Weight: ±74g
- Ambient temperature: t a = 35°C
- For use in an environment with a non-condensing atmospheric humidity
- Own consumption: 2W
- Max. cover temperature (t c ): 90°C
- Max. wire diameter per terminal:
- power supply and load: 2 x 1,5mm
- push button input: 2 x 1,5mm
- Min. load: 40W / 40VA
- Max. load: 400W / 400VA
- Voltage drop over dimmer: max. -5%
- Protection:
- thermal overload protection
- short circuit protection
- Push buttons for control: 230V, 5mA (no galvanic isolation)
- Max. distance to last push button: 100m
t a (°C)
- Complies with the norms: EN60669-2-1 and EN55015
- The installation should be carried out by a registered installer and in
compliance with the statutory regulations.
- This manual should be presented to the user. It should be included in
the electrical installation file, and it should be passed on to any new
owners. Additional copies are available on the Niko website or via the
Niko support service. The latest manual for this product is available
on the Niko website at any time.
- During installation, the following should be taken into account (non-
exhaustive list):
- the statutory laws, standards and regulations.
- the technology currently available at the time of installation.
- this manual, which only states general regulations and should
therefore be read within the scope of each specific installation.
- the rules of proper workmanship.
This product complies with all of the relevant European guidelines and
regulations. If applicable, you can find the EC declaration of conformity
regarding this product at www.niko.eu.
In case of doubt or for the specific exchange procedure in case of a possible
defect, contact the Niko support service in Belgium at +32 3 778 90 80
or your wholesaler/installer. Contact details and more information can be
found at www.niko.eu under the "Help and advice" section.
- The period of guarantee is four years from the date of delivery. The
delivery date is the invoice date of purchase of the product by the
consumer. If there is no invoice, the date of production applies.
- The consumer is obliged to inform Niko in writing about the non-
conformity, within two months after stating the defect.
- In case of a non-conformity, the consumer only has the right to a
product repair or replacement free of charge, which shall be decided
by Niko.
- Niko shall not be held liable for a defect or damage resulting from
incorrect installation, improper or careless use, incorrect operation,
transformation of the product, maintenance that does not adhere to
the maintenance instructions or an external cause, such as damage
due to moisture or overvoltage.
- The compulsory regulations of the national legislation concerning the
sale of consumer goods and the protection of the consumer in the
countries where Niko sells, directly or via sister companies, subsidiaries,
chain stores, distributors, agents or permanent sales representatives,
take priority over the above-mentioned rules and regulations.
Industriepark West 40, BE-9100 Sint-Niklaas, Belgium — tel. +32 3 778 90 00 — fax +32 3 777 71 20 — e-mail: support@niko.be — www.niko.eu
Pred inštaláciou a spustením systému si prečítajte celý návod.
Návod uschovajte pre budúce použitie.
Modulárny stmievač pre montáž na DIN lištu. Šírka 17,5mm (1TE).
Automaticky si volí fázové riadenie uhla zapnutia alebo fázové riadenie
uhla vypnutia. Max. zaťaženie 400W / 400VA. Stmievač je vhodný pre
žiarovky, stmievateľné magnetické transformátory (v závislosti od veľkosti
zaťaženia) a elektronické transformátory. Tieto záťaže možno kombinovať.
Stmievač je vybavený PLC filtrom. Stmievač sa ovláda tlačidlovým spínačom
(170-0000X), ktorý sa pripojí na vstup. Max. 30 tlačidiel zapojených
Stmievač má šírku 1 modul (TE) a môže byť namontovaný na DIN lištu
v rozvodnici. Spôsob pripojenia záťaže a napájania je znázornené na
obrázku nižšie.
or 1 x 2,5mm
POZNÁMKA: Tento stmievač má iba svorku L (fáza). Na stmievač nie je
možné pripojiť svorku N (neutrálny pól).
3.1 Normálna prevádzka
Svetelné zdroje pripojené na stmievač nedosiahnu svoj plný svetelný tok.
Svetelný tok bude vždy menší ako svetelný tok tých svetelných zdrojov,
ktoré sú priamo pripojené na sieť. Pri plnom zaťažení stmievač odoberá
max. 4W. Stmievač sa ovláda tlačidlovým zapínacím kontaktom . Krátko
stlačte pre zapnutie alebo vypnutie. Dlhšie stlačenie tlačidla spôsobí
rozjasnenie svetla až na maximum. Po uvoľnení tlačidla spôsobí následovné
stlačenie stmievanie svetla, teda po každom stlačení tlačidla sa funkcia
obráti (rozjasnenie – stop – stmievanie – stop – rozjasnenie – atď.). Keď sa
dosiahne maximum, úroveň sa už nebude zvyšovať, aj keď je tlačidlo stále
stlačené. Pred vypnutím osvetlenia je možné do pamäte uložiť poslednú
úroveň stmievania (pozri kap. 3.4). Paralelne možno na stmievač pripojiť
až 30 NO kontaktov (170-0000X), maximálna vzdialenosť je 100m.
Tlačidlá nie sú galvanicky izolované.
LED indikuje zvolený režim stmievania:
LED (zelené) svieti kontinuálne: funkcia stmievania fázovým riadením
uhla vypnutia.
LED (zelené) bliká: funkcia stmievania fázovým riadením uhla zapnutia.
3.2 Automatické stmievanie
LED (červené) bliká:
- V dôsledku preťaženia stmievač nie je schopný pracovať v režime
LED (červené) svieti:
- V dôsledku preťaženia stmievač nie je schopný pracovať v režime
3.3 Opätovná inicializácia
- Vždy, keď sa pripojí nová záťaž (napr. použitie malonapäťovej halogénovej
- Stmievač sa opätovne inicializuje, keď sa počas aktivácie napätia
3.4 Pamäťová funkcia
Stmievač môže byť použitý s pamäťou alebo bez pamäte. Režim s pamäťou
je implicitne nastavený pri výrobe. Zmena režimu sa vykoná stlačením
230 Vac
230V~50Hz (ta=35°C)
230V~50Hz (ta=35°C)
fázového riadenia uhla vypnutia (záťaž je príliš induktívna). Stmievač
automaticky prepína späť do režimu fázového riadenia uhla zapnutia.
Potvrďte stlačením tlačidla. Teraz stmievač funguje v režime fázového
riadenia uhla zapnutia. Stlačením tlačidla sa osvetlenie vypne.
fázového riadenia uhla zapnutia (záťaž je príliš kapacitná). Stmievač
automaticky prepína späť do režimu fázového riadenia uhla vypnutia.
Potvrďte stlačením tlačidla. Teraz stmievač funguje v režime fázového
riadenia uhla vypnutia. Stlačením tlačidla sa osvetlenie vypne.
žiarovky namiesto obyčajnej žiarovky), odporúča sa znovu inicializovať
napájacieho zdroja stlačí tlačidlo. Stmievač sa vráti do režimu normálnej
prevádzky, t.j. režimu reverzného fázového riadenia. Červené LED bude
svietiť počas cca 10s ako potvrdenie nastavenia. Počas týchto 10s nie
je možné ovládať stmievač.