youR SAFety iS iMPoRtAnt to you AnD to otHeRS,
general HaZard warning:
Failure tO cOMplY witH tHe precautiOns and
instructiOns prOVided witH tHis Heater, can
result in deatH, seriOus BOdilY inJurY and
prOpertY lOss Or daMage FrOM HaZards OF
Fire, eXplOsiOn, Burn, aspHYXiatiOn, carBOn
MOnOXide pOisOning, and/Or electrical
OnlY persOns wHO can understand and FOl-
lOw tHe instructiOns sHOuld use Or serVice
tHis Heater.
iF YOu need assistance Or Heater inFOrMa-
tiOn sucH as an instructiOns Manual,
laBels, etc. cOntact tHe ManuFacturer. sO
please read tHese instructiOns BeFOre YOu
Operate tHis Heater.
carBOn MOnOXide can Kill YOu
uSinG A PoRtABle GAS CAMPinG HeAteR inSiDe
A tent, RV, CAMPeR, VeHiCle, SHelteR oR otHeR
enCloSeD AReAS CAn PRoDuCe DeADly CARBon
WARninGS ..................................................................................2
PARtS liSt ...................................................................................7
WARRAnty .................................................................................8
inStRuCtionS FoR oRDeRinG PARtS .........................................8
Mr. Heater | Gas-Fired infra-Red tank top Heater
nOt FOr HOMe Or recreatiOnal VeHicle use
Fire, Burn, inHalatiOn, and eXplOsiOn HaZ-
ard. Keep sOlid cOMBustiBles, sucH as Build-
ing Materials, paper Or cardBOard, a saFe
distance awaY FrOM tHe Heater as recOM-
Mended BY tHe instructiOns. neVer use tHe
Heater in spaces wHicH dO Or MaY cOntain
VOlatile Or airBOrne cOMBustiBles, Or
prOducts sucH as gasOline, sOlVents, paint
tHinner, dust particles Or unKnOwn
the State of California requires the following warning:
CoMBuStion By-PRoDuCtS PRoDuCeD WHen uS-
inG tHiS PRoDuCt ContAin CARBon MonoXiDe,
A CHeMiCAl KnoWn to tHe StAte oF CAliFoRniA
to CAuSe CAnCeR AnD BiRtH DeFeCtS (oR otHeR
tHiS PRoDuCt ContAinS CHeMiCAlS KnoWn to tHe
StAte oF CAliFoRniA to CAuSe CAnCeR AnD BiRtH
DeFeCtS oR otHeR RePRoDuCtiVe HARM.
the heater is designed and approved for us as, a construc-
tion heater and in accordance with AnSi Z83.7-CSA 2.14.
Check with your local fire safety authority if you have any
questions about applications.
other standards govern the use of fuel gases and heat-
producing products and specific applications. your local
authority can advise you about these standards.
operating instructions and owner's Manual