8300 mes$ = "STA": MESRET = 0: GOSUB 300: GOSUB 320
8310 IF (VAL(MID$(val$, 4, 2)) AND 1) = 0 THEN 8330
8320 LOCATE 10, 10: PRINT "Boucle de s‚curit‚ ouverte !!!"
8325 GOTO 8300
8330 LOCATE 10, 10: PRINT "Boucle de s‚curit‚ ferm‚e !!!"
' decodage du status byte pour SRQ
8400 IF stp% = 212 THEN fin = 0: PRINT "Boucle de s‚curit‚ ferm‚e !!! ";
8410 IF stp% = 211 THEN break = 0
8415 IF stp% = 208 THEN endcy = 0: CLS : LOCATE 10, 10: PRINT "Boucle de s‚curit‚ ouverte !!! ";
8420 IF stp% = 213 THEN rise = 0
8425 IF stp% = 112 THEN PRINT "Demande ill‚gale en DCH "
8430 IF stp% = 192 THEN ready = 1
8432 IF stp% = 194 THEN ready = 1
8433 IF stp% = 193 THEN ready = 1
' Relecture des m‚moires de stockages
8500 mes$ = "DTP": MESRET = 0: GOSUB 300: GOSUB 320
8510 nbrmax = VAL(MID$(val$, 2, 3))
8520 IF nbrmax = 0 GOTO 8900
8522 mes$ = "DTR001." + MID$(val$, 2, 3): PRINT mes$: MESRET = 0: GOSUB 300
8524 tm0 = TIMER
8530 FOR i = 1 TO nbrmax
8540 GOSUB 320
8550 PRINT i; val$
8560 NEXT
8562 tm1 = TIMER: PRINT "Temps de relecture:"; tm1 - tm0
8564 PRINT "Temps moyen par valeur :"; (tm1 - tm0) / nbrmax
8900 PRINT "Pas de valeur en m‚moire !!!!!!"
' Speed measurement in Megohm:
' NOD: NO Display ,the new code to cancel the display during
the measure.
9000 CLS
9008 mes$ = "MGO,SOH+0.000E+06,TMA000": GOSUB 300
9009 GOSUB 9400: tim0 = TIMER
9010 fin = 0: i = 0
9014 i = i + 1
9020 tim1 = TIMER
9040 mes$ = "MES": GOSUB 300
9042 t3 = .1: GOSUB 600
9043 mes$ = "ISO": MESRET = 0: GOSUB 300: GOSUB 320
9044 sign$ = MID$(val$, 4, 1): ' <:the value is lower than the displayed resistance
>:the value is higher than the displayed resistance
+:the value is the measured resistance
9050 resi = VAL(MID$(val$, 5, 10))
9060 IF resi >= (VAL(lim$) * 1000000!) THEN resul$ = " G O O D "
9070 IF resi < (VAL(lim$) * 1000000!) THEN resul$ = " B A D !"
9080 tim2 = TIMER - tim1
9090 IF i = 100 THEN PRINT "Time for 100 measures:"; TIMER - tim0
9100 PRINT i, sign$; resi; "ohms", resul$
9102 mes$ = "DCH": GOSUB 300
9104 't3=0.1:gosub 600
:' 100 mS=minimum discharge time
9110 IF fin = 0 THEN 9014
9112 PRINT "End of test !!"
9114 PRINT "Total time ="; TIMER - tim0; " secondes for:"; i; " points"
9116 PRINT "Average time ="; (TIMER - tim0) / i; " secondes"
9300 fin = 1
' Test parameters input: to increase the speed,the unit must work
' with the locked ranges mode.Look on line 9044 to get the info
' for under or over range.
' To find the right range:
9400 CLS
9410 PRINT "Test voltage ("; volt$; "):";
9420 INPUT rep$
9430 IF LEN(rep$) = 0 THEN rep$ = volt$ ELSE volt$ = rep$
9440 ten% = VAL(rep$): GOSUB 400
9450 PRINT "Insulation resistance limit ("; lim$; ") Mohm:";
9460 INPUT rep$
9470 IF LEN(rep$) = 0 THEN rep$ = lim$ ELSE lim$ = rep$
9472 IF LEN(rep$) = 0 THEN gam$ = "GM00" ELSE GOTO 9480
9474 GOTO 9600
9480 gami = ten% / (VAL(rep$) * 1000000!)
9490 PRINT gami
9500 IF gami > .002 THEN gam$ = "GM01" ELSE GOTO 9510
9502 GOTO 9600
9510 IF gami > .0002 THEN gam$ = "GM02" ELSE GOTO 9520
9512 GOTO 9600
9520 IF gami > .00002 THEN gam$ = "GM03" ELSE GOTO 9530
9522 GOTO 9600
9530 IF gami > .000002 THEN gam$ = "GM04" ELSE GOTO 9540
9532 GOTO 9600
9540 IF gami > .0000002 THEN gam$ = "GM05" ELSE GOTO 9544
9542 GOTO 9600
9544 IF gami > 2E-08 THEN gam$ = "GM06" ELSE GOTO 9546
9545 GOTO 9600
9546 IF gami > 2E-09 THEN gam$ = "GM07" ELSE GOTO 9548
9547 GOTO 9600
9548 IF gami > 2E-10 THEN gam$ = "GM08" ELSE GOTO 9560
9549 GOTO 9600