For the Homeowner:
How Your Humidifier Works
Your Skuttle Steam Humidifier supplies moist air to your home much the same
way as outdoor air is humidi-
fied. On a warm summer day,
the sun's heat evaporates water
from puddles, streams, rivers,
oceans, etc., turning it into vapor
(humidity). The amount of water
vapor that rises into the air is de-
termined by the amount of time
the water is exposed to the heat
If you were to look inside your
humidifier's reservoir, you would
see an immersed, tubular heater and two floats. When your home is too dry,
humidistat (humidity control device) installed with your system activates
the humidifier heater. A built-in thermostat senses the water temperature and,
when the water is warm enough, turns on a relay to activate the blower on your
furnace. The blower, independent of your home's heating system, disperses
humidified air throughout the house. In other words, the heat necessary for
evaporation is supplied by the humidifier itself, rather than by your furnace.
Once the selected level of humidity is reached, the humidifier heater turns off
automatically. However, the furnace blower continues to replenish the moisture
in your home until the water in the humidifier's reservoir is cooled and ceases
to produce steam. All this takes place without disrupting your heating system's
normal operation. When the indoor humidity drops below the desired level, the
process begins again.
As water is evaporated from the humidifier reservoir and replaced by fresh wa-
ter, the larger of the two float valves prevents overflow by shutting off the water
at the designated level. The smaller float acts as an additional safety device,
automatically shutting off the humidifier heater if, for any reason, the water level
drops below the heating element.
Because water evaporated from the humidifier leaves behind all its impurities
(calcium, iron, lime, bacteria, etc.), the resulting humidification doesn't pollute
your indoor air. Instead, your home is freer from these contaminants, creating a
healthier, more comfortable environment for you and your family.