Drill and a 5.5 mm (7/32 inch) drill bit.
Mating cable
Dielectric grease (e.g. Silicone lubricant)
Optional: Waterproof sealing compound such as RTV silicone.
In addition, the installer needs to provide all mounting hardware and screw fasteners. Screw fastener
selection is installation specific and depends on the mounting surface material and thickness.
6.7.2 Drilling
In cases where a mounting bracket is not used, the Iridium Edge Pro may be mounted directly on
an asset. A drill template is provided in the appendix if drilling is required.
6.7.3 Mounting
Install the Iridium Edge Pro safely and securely. Failure to do so could result in dislodging of
the Iridium Edge Pro especially when operating in areas of high winds or when mounted on
moving vehicles, which could result in injury or damage.
Follow the following steps to attach the Iridium Edge Pro to its mounting surface.
If you are using the connector cover, insert mounting screws in the back two mounting
holes on the device first and tighten the screws and nuts.
Iridium recommends applying dielectric grease to the male pins on the device connector.
Then screw the mating cable onto the Iridium Edge Pro so that it is finger tight. Do not use
a wrench to tighten the cable's mating connector to the Iridium Edge Pro.
Place the connector cover over the mating cable connector. Align the two holes on the
connector cover with the front two device mounting holes. Refer to Figure 6-3 for an
exploded view depicting the installation.
Secure all mounting nuts with an appropriate thread locker that meets the installation
requirements for factors such as vibration and temperature.
Optionally use silicon sealant around the connector cover to improve protection of the
Iridium Edge Pro User Manual
UM_Iridium Edge Pro_v1.1_072220
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