• The sequence of display: TIME > CAL > RPM > COUNT > DIST > PULSE.
• In SCAN mode, press MODE key to choose other functions.
• Automatically scan through each mode in sequence every 6 seconds.
• W/O setting the target value, time will count up.
• With setting the target value, time will count down from your target time to 0, and as 0 is achieved
time alarm.
• W/O any signal been transmitted into the monitor for 4 seconds, time will STOP.
• Range 0:00 ~ 99:59
• W/O setting the target value, calorie will count up.
• With setting the target value, calories will count down from your target calorie to 0, and as 0 is
achieved calorie alarm.
• Range 0.0~9999 Cals
• Calorie count on the display only serves as a general guideline. For detail calorie consumption for
each individual please consult a physician or a nutritionist.