Horizontal terminal through wall made of combustible material
In all cases the vent sleeve must maintain a clearance of at least 50 mm from
combustible material all the way around.
Practically, this can be ac -
complished in two ways (see
Pipe housing (1) of non-
combustible material; use
250 mm diameter.
Make a casing (2) of non-
250 mm square.
In both cases use centring
plates (3), USCP 10, for cen-
tring and finishing.
3.3.4. Installation with roof (vertical) terminal
General Directions
Ducts and vent sleeves must be at least 50 mm away from combustible material,
All elements of both the air intake and flue gas exhaust systems must be in-
serted into each other to a minimum of 30 mm and be secured by the use of
clamps, USKB 10, or stainless steel screws.
The duct must be held in place by means of wall brackets and centring plates.
The maximum distance between wall brackets is 2 metres.
Choice of the outlet area
For outlets in the vicinity of a property line or ventilation openings you are re-
ferred to the applicable national and regional codes.
Vent passage through a flat roof made of combustible material
1. Beginning from the unit assemble the concentric pipes one by one, including the
desired slanted sections, following the path you previously laid out, to just be-
neath the roof.
2. Determine the place for roof vent passage.
3. Make a hole, Ø 250 mm, so that a fire clearance of 50 mm remains free all the
way around the pipe.
4. Using screws, secure a mounting plate, 300 mm square (1) or two centring
plates UCP10, to the underside of the roof panelling.
5. Place a clamp (2), USKB 10, in the mounting plate, first turning it in and then
turning it out.
6. Extend the concentric pipe (3), US 100/50 10, through the mounting plate with a
clamp until it extends a minimum of 400 mm beyond roof level (more is permit-
ted, up to a maximum freestanding length of 1000 mm).
2000DV - 2080DV
1. Pipe housing dia 250 mm or
2. Square casing 250 mm