Functional description (cont'd)
2 spike-measuring
This method is recommended :
where an earth resistance is higher than 10 Ω
when it is not possible to drive auxiliary earth spikes.
An approximate value of earth resistance can be obtained by the two
wire system as shown on Fig. 2.
Connect the green test cable to the terminal E, the yellow cable to the
terminal P and the red cable to the terminal C.
Stuck the auxiliary spike where it is possible.
Connect the green cable to the earth, the yellow and red cables to the
auxiliary spike as shown on following figure :
Then, perform a voltage measurement (position EARTH VOLTAGE +
TEST ON/OFF) to make sure that earth voltage on terminals is
< 10 V.
Rotate the function switch to « 200 Ω » range position.
Press "TEST ON/OFF" to test. The measured value is displayed on
the screen.
If the display shows « 1 », rotate the switch to « 2000 Ω » position
and test again.
The reading obtained is an approximate earth resistance value :
Rx = Re – re
Rx = true earth resistance
Re = indicated value
re = auxiliary spike resistance
The measurement current is less than 2mA. There is no risk of
tripping mains RCD devices especially when the earth electrode
is disconnected before starting the test, as recommended.
The LED in front face will lit in red, when the measuring
configuration is as shown in figure 1.
Earth resistance tester