Does the Zeolite need
Are dehumidifiers
expensive to run?
Do desiccant
dehumidifiers generate
an unpleasant smell?
Where would it be
better to place the
Can we replace the
filter with one of other
type like HEPA filter
Which is the
appropriate room
humidity level?
No there is no need for replacement. The Zeolite is
regenerated within the dehumidifier and this will last
for many years.
For the first month upon its initial operation, the
dehumidifier operates at its maximum in order to
calibrate in its working environment. As time passes,
this will gradually reduce, since the dehumidifier will
be controlled via its humidistat. In regards to damp
houses, the use of a dehumidifier may lower your
central billing costs significantly.
During the first days of usage and periodically
afterwards you might notice a smell coming from the
dehumidifier. This is caused by the Zeolite desiccant
material and is not a sign that the dehumidifier is not
working properly nor is it harmful to humans or pets.
The smell occurs because the Zeolite absorbs odors
from items like cigarettes, cosmetics, hair sprays,
building materials and new furniture, and as the
desiccant is heated the smell is discharged into the
room. You can clear it by running the dehumidifier in
a separate space like a garage or - if it is dry – outside.
For optimal results, it is suggested to place the
dehumidifier in a central area, like a hallway. Leave
the doors open and the moisture will migrate
naturally towards the device to be processed.
No, the filter can't be replaced.
The suggested humidity range fluctuates between
40% and 60%. This level of an average humidity
ensures the greatest comfort for you and your
family, preventing allergies or diseases, and keeps
your home healthy and well maintained, in terms of
plasterboards, dye exfoliation, wood furniture and
any other equipment or material that is susceptible to
the harmful consequences of extremely high humidity