general information
Do not operate this appliance without the legs or pedestal installed.
This model was specifi cally designed over many months of research to meet the 2020 U.S.A. EPA particulate emission
standards and has been extensively tested in Canadian laboratories. This system is the most effi cient, simple and
trouble free we know and works as follows:
Secondary air from the rear hole travels up the back in the secondary air
housing to the manifold located at the top and shoots out laterally to oxidize the
gases below the smoke exit.
The lower combustion chamber is lined with high temperature fi rebricks on 2
sides, the back and across the bottom, with a layer of fi bre baffl es at the top to
maintain a high temperature in the combustion chamber so that gases mixing
with the preheated air from the secondary air manifold tube are easily ignited
and burned. The appliance sides and back are shielded to direct the heat
upwards and forwards into the room.
Be sure to provide suffi cient combustion air. There are many other appliances in
your home competing for air such as: a kitchen range hood, forced air heating
devices, clothes dryer or a bathroom exhaust fan.
After extended periods of non-operation such as following a vacation or a warm
weather season, the appliance may emit a slight odour for a few hours. This is
caused by dust particles on the fi rebox burning off. Open a window to suffi ciently ventilate the room.
If you experience smoking problems, you may been to open a door, a window or otherwise provide some method
of supplying combustion air to the appliance.
Do not use makeshift compromises during installation. Do not block or restrict air, grille, or louvre openings. Do
not add a hood. Burning your appliance with the door open or ajar creates a fi re hazard that may result in a house
and/or chimney fi re. All venting connections must be in compliance with the chimney manufacturer's installation
instructions. Clearances referred to throughout this manual are the minimum requirements.
Your appliance must be installed in accordance with all national and local building code standards and the
standard of Chimney and Appliances, Vents and Solid Fuel
Burning Appliance NFPA #211. Consult the authority having
jurisdiction (such as municipal building department, fi re
department, fi re prevention bureau, etc.) to determine the
need to obtain a permit. If you are in doubt about the proper
installation for your situation, contact your dealer or local
building or fi re offi cial. The manufacturer does not guarantee
that this appliance and its options will completely heat your
entire house.
Expansion / contraction noises during heating up and coolding down cycles are normal and to be expected.
It is recommended that in all cases, the appliance be secured to the fl oor. Use the pallet packing brackets to
accomplish this.
W415-1929 / A / 10.21.19