6.5.2 extended fi re
Load your larger pieces of wood so they are tightly packed, close enough to prevent the fl ames from penetrating
it completely. After approximately 30 minutes, depending on the size of the load, close the draft control completely
making sure that the fi re is not extinguished.
Overfi ring can occur by:
Burning large amounts of smaller wood pieces such as furniture scraps, skids or treated wood;
Vigorously burning large loads of wood with the draft control on "HIGH" (fully open) for long periods of time
(one or two hours).
Operating the appliance with the ash dump door blocked open or a poor gasket seal on the main door.
A properly installed appliance should not smoke. If yours does, check the following:
Has the chimney had time to get hot?
Is the smoke passage blocked anywhere in the appliance, chimney connector or chimney?
Is the room too airtight and the air intake not connected to the outside? Try with a window partly open.
Is the smoke fl ow impeded by too long a horizontal pipe or too many bends?
Is it a weak draft perhaps caused by a leaky chimney, a cold outside chimney, too large a diameter of a
chimney, too short a chimney, or a chimney too close to trees or a higher roof?
Is the moisture content of the wood greater than 20%?
If equipped, has the catalyst bypass been closed or closed prematurely?
optional fan operation
The following operating procedure is recommended to achieve optimal performance:
When operating on high burn rate:
1. We recommend setting the fan to the "HIGH" setting and operating with a thermodisc (located at the back of
the appliance).
When operating on medium burn rate:
2. We do not recommend using the fan.
When operating on low burn rate:
3. We recommend turning on the fan after 60 minutes at the minimum setting and operating with a thermodisc
(located at the back of the appliance).
W415-1929 / A / 10.21.19