Central Heating Water Test Kit
2.3 Technical Data of Water-Quality Meter MP-7
Temperature Range ...........................0 - 90°C
Range pH-Value ................................-2 ~ 16.00
Range Electrical Conductivity.............0 ~ 2.000 µS/cm
Range TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) ...0 ~ 1.300 ppm
Range Total Salt ................................0 ~ 1.000 ppm
Temperature Compensation ...............0 - 50°C
Buffer Solution pH .............................pH 7.00, 10.00
Calibration Solution Conductivity .......1413 µS/cm
Power Supply
Battery ..............................................4 x DC 1.5 V (Type UM-4/AAA)
2.4 Information about the Chemicals
All chemicals are irritants and shall not come in contact with eyes, mouth and nose. Keep away
from children.
The chemicals are non toxic.
pH-Elektrolyte ...................................Potassium Chloride 3.5 M-Solution
Conductivity calibration solution ........Potassium Chloride 0.01 mol/l 1.413 µS/cm
pH-buffer 7.00 ..................................Phosphate
pH-buffer pH 10.00 ...........................Borate
Safety advise:
After inhalation ..................................Fresh air, consult doctor in case of long-term problems
After skin contact ..............................No skin irritant
After eye contact ...............................Rinse eyelid with water
After swallowing ...............................Consult doctor in case of long-term symptoms
Total hardness test ............................Titration solution, commercially
Safety advise:
After inhalation ..................................Fresh air
After skin contact ..............................Wash with water, remove contaminated clothes
After eye contact ...............................Rinse eyelid with water
After swallowing ...............................Drink water, consult doctor in case unease
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