Thank you for choosing LifeProof! TaBLe of conTenTs This manual contains important instructions — please don’t toss it aside and improvise. Just follow a few Check seals / Vérification des joints simple steps, and you’ll be ready for action! Water test / Test d’étanchéité à l’eau Install iPhone / Installation de l’iPhone...
check seaLs Make sure O-ring and seal are in place and free of dust, dirt, hair and debris If dirty: remove, rinse in warm water, shake off, reinstall vÉrificaTion des JoinTs Assurez-vous que le joint d’étanchéité et le joint torique sont bien en place et libres de poussière, de saleté, de poils et de débris O-ring S’ils sont sales, rincez-les à...
WaTer TesT Your case has been water tested. If you plan to expose your iPhone to water, it is recommended that you perform a pre-installation water test. Do not install device during test. 1. Snap case front and back together. 2.
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4. Remove, dry, and look inside for moisture 5. Open charge port door and use a coin to separate case 6. If dry inside, go to Install iPhone. If wet inside, visit Page 4. Sortez-le de l’eau, asséchez-le puis examinez l’intérieur pour déceler toute trace d’humidité...
and in-place 3. Make sure the Top latch and bottom latch are totally closed. The Easiest way to do is to put 3. Insert the iPhone into the front of insTaLL iPhone 2. Check seals are clean and in-place the front at on a table and very rmly press the case aligning the rear on the rear case all around the case, on the top and bottom.
3. Pull open rear case reMove iPhone 1. Open charge port door and use a coin to separate case 2. Pull case apart and remove iPhone reTraiT de L’iPhone 1. Ouvrez la porte du port de charge et utilisez une pièce de monnaie pour ouvrir l’étui 2.
headPhone adaPTor 1. Unscrew headphone jack cover 2. Insert adaptor and screw in until snug 3. Plug in your headphones 3 . Connect the headphone jack into the weather proof adaptor adaPTaTeur Pour ÉcouTeurs 1. Dévissez le couvercle de la prise pour écouteurs 2.
Please do not return your product to the retailer. iMPorTanT noTice: Though all LifeProof products are tested to meet stated claims, your device can still be damaged. It is your responsibility to take reasonable precautions regarding how you use your device. Expose your device to hazards at your own risk.
à d’éventuels risques est de votre responsabilité. La garantie produit LifeProof ne couvre que le produit LifeProof; elle ne couvre aucun produit ou appareil de marque autre que LifeProof et n’offre pas de protection de garantie en toutes circonstances. consultez la garantie
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