Regulatory Information - Sonos Mount Guide De Démarrage Rapide

Table des Matières


O: Indicates that the concentration of the hazardous substance in all homogeneous materials in the parts is
below the relevant threshold of the GB/T 26572 standard.
X: 表示该有毒有害物质至少在该部件的某一均质材料中的含量超出 GB/T 26572-2011 标准规定的限量要
X: Indicates that the concentration of the hazardous substance of at least one of all homogeneous
materials in the parts is above the relevant threshold of the GB/T 26572 standard.
该标志表明本产品含有超过 GB/T 26572 《电子电气产品中限用物质的限量要求》中限量的
This symbol indicates the product contains hazardous materials exceeds the limits established by the
Chinese standard GB/T 26572 requirements of concentration limits for certain restricted substances in
electrical and electronic products. The number in the symbol is the Environment-Friendly Use Period
(EFUP), which indicates the period during which the hazardous substances contained in electrical and
electronic products will not leak or mutate under normal operating conditions so that the use of such
electrical and electronic products will not result in any severe environmental pollution, any bodily injury or
damage to any assets. The unit of the period is "Year".

Regulatory Information

Sonos izjavljuje da je ovaj proizvod usklađen sa Direktivi RoHS 2011/65/EU. Kopiju pune Deklaracije o
sukladnosti možete preuzeti na
Společnost Sonos prohlašuje, že tento výrobek splňuje požadavky směrnice o nebezpečných látkách
2011/65 / EU. Kopii úplného prohlášení o shodě najdete na
Sonos erklærer hermed, at dette produkt overholder kravene i RoHS Direktiv 2011/65 / EU. En kopi af den
komplette Declaration of Conformance kan hentes på
Sonos verklaart dat dit product voldoet aan de vereisten van de RoHS-richtlijn 2011/65 / EC. Een kopie van
de volledige verklaring van conformiteit kan worden verkregen op


Table des Matières

Produits Connexes pour Sonos Mount

Table des Matières