Eclipse Installation & Operations Manual
plasma gap Ozone Modules. The EC-10, EC-20, and EC-40 have 2,
4, and 6 modules, respectively. Each module has an indicator light
that signals it's working properly. If the light goes out, replace the
4B. System Maintenance
4B-1. The green indicator lights on the Ozone Modules located
inside the enclosure indicates that the Power Supply is operating
properly. When an indicator light goes out, replace the corresponding
Ozone Module. Regularly check inside the unit to verify all the Ozone
Modules are working.
4B-2. Each Ozone Module should be replaced after 15,000 hours of
operation. Even if the green indicator light(s) are glowing, the Ozone
Module may be producing less ozone after this period of time due to
contamination within the plasma gap ozone chamber.
4B-3. Regularly reinstall and check the flowmeter for proper flow.
Always remove the flow meter after confirming proper flow. Inspect
Ozone Tube for cracks or wear and replace as necessary.
4B-4. Replace the Ozone Tube every year or sooner, if needed. If
there is evidence of water leaking past the Check Valve toward the
Eclipse, shut down the unit immediately and replace the Ozone Tube
and Check Valve. If water entered the Eclipse, allow the unit to dry
completely before restarting. Evidence of water in the Eclipse may
void the warranty.
WARNING: Do NOT touch the ends of the Ozone Tube when
replacing. Trace amounts of nitric acid may be present and could
prove harmful if touched or ingested.
4B-5. While operating, check to see if bubbles are entering the pool.
If an MDV is installed, check the MDV for bubbles.
4C. Generator Servicing - Refer to Figure 4
4C-1. Opening the Unit
The Eclipse ozone generator may be serviced on the wall without
disconnecting any of the plumbing or wiring. Simply remove the two
screws on the right side of the Enclosure Door to open the unit.
4C-2. Ozone Module Replacement
The EC-10, EC-20, and EC-40 have 2, 4, and 6 Ozone Modules,
4-2162-01 Rev.E