Other SOS operations in the pendant are the same as in the base.
Room Monitor Operation:
A. When the room monitor function is set "ON" and external line calls in
ng sound can be heard in the base.
1. When the pin code is "9999", the call party can pick up the line
automatically without a code to m
and pendant 1, in the hands free mode.
2. When the pin code is any ot
prompt announcement is activ
the call party must enter the code.
**After entering the correct code
end user in both base and pendant 1, in the hands free mode.
**After entering the wrong code or without entering the code, the u
will end the call and go into off mode after
3. The end user can use the phone when room monitor set "ON", but
when the external call party monitors the end user, other phone
buttons will be locked, only SOS
are still active.
During ECI function (Emergency Call Interruption):
1. The external call party can control the unit with DTMF tone as
** mute the microphone– with digit / number 6
** Speaker volume off – with digit / number 4
** Normal hands free – with digit / number 5(This one is default
2. 0nly the external call party can end the call; canc
user side can be done only through:
1) press
2) Picking up handle to talk under room monito
3) on-hook or pressing hands free key to exit from room monitor
4) Removing the power line and phone line.
3. When room monitor is activated, pre
ing SOS button to exit room monitor mode and dial out
onitor the end user in both base
her 4 digits except "9999", the voice
ated "Please enter the PIN code" and
the external call party can monitor the
10 seconds.
function, off-hook and hands free
ss SOS button on the unit:
ellation by end
r mode.
, a