Affinity2.0 – Instructions for Use - EN
Freeze Curve allows for taking a snapshot of a REM curve when testing
with broadband signals. In other words the curve freezes at a particular
moment while the test continues.
NOTE: The Freeze Curve option only works for broadband (ex: ISTS)
signals in the continuous mode.
List of Protocols allows you to select a test protocol (default or user
defined) to use in the current test session.
Temporary Setup button allows for making temporary changes to the
selected test protocol. The changes will be valid for the current session
only. After making the changes and returning to the main screen, the
name of the test protocol will be followed by an asterisk (*).
List of Historical Sessions accesses previous real-ear measurements
obtained for the selected patient, for comparison or printing purposes.
Toggle between Lock and Unlock the Selected Session freezes the
current or historical session on the screen for comparison to other
Go to Current Session button brings you back to current session.
Toggle between Coupler and Ear button allows you to toggle between
real-ear and coupler mode.
Note This icon only becomes active if a predicted or measured RECD is
Report Editor button opens a separate window for adding notes to the
current session. Note that after saving the session, no changes can
added to the report.
After saving the session, changes can only be made within the same day
until the date changes (at midnight). Note: these timeframes are limited
by HIMSA and the Noah software, and not by Interacoustics.
Single Frequency button is a test that lets the fitter
play a single frequency warble tone. Once clicked, the
exact frequency, input and output can be seen on the
graph. The frequency can be adjusted up and down by
using the Right and Left arrows on the keyboard. Click
on the button to turn it on, and click on it again to turn it
UCL (Uncomfortable Levels) Adjustment To limit the system's signal
intensity while measuring the MPO during a Real-Ear situation, the UCL
button can be activated. Once activated, a red line will appear on the
graph and the system will stop measuring if this UCL level is reached.
This red line can be adjusted with the slider.
NOTE: UCL thresholds must be entered on the audiogram for the red
line to appear when the UCL button is active. To deactivate this feature,
press on the UCL button again.
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