Types of Urinary Incontinence
Stress Incontinence
If you find that you leak when you cough, sneeze or exercise, this is known as stress incontinence. This happens
when the pelvic floor muscles, which support the bladder, are weakened or damaged. Programme 1 on INNOVO
strengthens the pelvic floor by delivering comfortable stimulation through the INNOVO
If you haven't used this type of muscle stimulation before, the idea may seem a little strange and the sensation
unusual, but there is no need to be concerned - your body will soon get used to this new sensation of your pelvic
floor muscles contracting and relaxing. Regularly applying this cycle of contraction and relaxation will help to
improve your pelvic floor muscle tone, strength, endurance and overall control.
Urge Incontinence
If you find that you often experience a sudden and urgent desire to pass urine and sometimes leak, this is known
as urge incontinence. This is caused by overactivity in the muscle mechanism that controls bladder function.
Programme 2 on INNOVO
control the overactivity. The sensation experienced when using INNOVO
sensation directly under the electrodes which are activated when using Programme 2.
Mixed Incontinence
It is common for women and men to experience symptoms of both urge and stress incontinence. This condition
is called mixed incontinence. Usually, one type is more bothersome than the other. Treatment for mixed
incontinence consists of a combination of the stress and urge programmes.
For further treatment/programme information please see page 11.
After completing your treatment plan After completing your 12 week Innovotherapy plan, you should continue to
use Innovo to help maintain a healthy pelvic floor. How frequently you should use INNOVO
specific condition and improvement rate. As a general guide we would recommend you continue to use INNOVO
1-2 times a week. This will ensure that the results achieved during the 12 week program will be sustained. One of
the major advantages of using INNOVO
can also maintain a healthy pelvic floor by doing daily pelvic floor exercises.
delivers a gentle signal to the nerve that controls this muscle mechanism, helping to
is that you will have an improved awareness of your pelvic floor, so you
to treat urge incontinence is a tapping
will depend on your