1. General Information Before installation, read the following instructions carefully. Each Liberty pump is individually factory tested to ensure proper performance. Closely following these instructions will eliminate potential operating problems, assuring years of trouble-free service. Risk of electric shock. To reduce risk of electric shock, always disconnect pump from power source before handling. ...
® ® QuickTree Technology: The Pro-Series basins by Liberty Pumps (excluding side discharge models) feature new QuickTree float ® system technology. The QuickTree system is located under a separate access cover for ease of maintenance and service. Floats for both pump activation and alarm (if equipped) are mounted on a stainless steel tree (rod), separate from the pump.
Do not restrict the discharge below 2" in sewage applications. Larger pipe sizes may be required to eliminate friction head loss over long runs. Contact Liberty Pumps or other qualified person if there are questions regarding proper pipe size and flow rates.
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Typical Installation This is a recommended vertical discharge installation only. Variations may apply.
4. QuickTree® and Access Cover ® ® Vertical discharge Pro-Series P370, P380 and P680 systems feature QuickTree technology. The QuickTree float system uses a stainless steel mounting rod (tree) and specially designed cord clamping brackets to affix the pump float and (optional) alarm float in the system.
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QuickTree® settings for Vertical Discharge Pro370 and Pro380 Systems: TETHER LENGTH (SWITCH TO CLAMP) Pro370 Pro380 and Pro680 POSITION Alarm Float Control Float Alarm Float Control Float 3.5" 3.5" 3.0" 3.5" ® When servicing the QuickTree , place the switch cord into the trough or channel and then slip the stainless steel rod through the clamp.
5. Electrical Service and Operation Risk of electric shock. Always disconnect the pump from the power source before handling or making adjustments. The electrical connections and wiring for a pump installation should only be made by qualified personnel. ...
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P680 duplex systems are connected to a controller that monitors the operation of the pumps. The controller will automatically alternate the two pumps each cycle to maintain equal wear. It will also monitor for high water conditions and alarms if necessary. The controller has visual indicators that show the operation of the sump as well as operator controls to test functionality.
Piping attachments to building are rubber hose or connector. too rigid. NOTE: Liberty Pumps, Inc. assumes no responsibility for damage or injury due to disassembly in the field. Disassembly, other than at Liberty Pumps or its authorized service centers, automatically voids warranty.
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If the top of the 370XL, 380XL, 680XL Series basin is below grade, an access riser model ARC18 is required. The maximum burial depth of 18" with respect to the top of the basin. Consult Liberty Pumps or your distributor for more information on ARC Series Access Risers.
Liberty Pumps, Inc. shall not be liable for any loss, damage or expenses resulting from installation or use of its products, or for consequential damages, including costs of removal, reinstallation or transportation.
5.08 cm (2 pulg.) en aplicaciones de aguas residuales. En algunos casos se requerirán tuberías más anchas para evitar las pérdidas de carga por rozamiento en trayectos largos. Comuníquese con Liberty Pumps o con una persona calificada si tiene alguna pregunta sobre el tamaño de la tubería y el caudal.
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NOTA: Liberty Pumps, Inc. no asume ninguna responsabilidad por desperfectos o lesiones resultantes del desmontaje de la bomba en el campo. Si el desmontaje de la bomba no lo lleva a cabo Liberty Pumps o uno de sus centros de servicio autorizados, la garantía quedará...
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NOTA: Liberty Pumps, Inc. no asume ninguna responsabilidad por desperfectos o lesiones resultantes del desmontaje de la bomba en el campo. Si el desmontaje de la bomba no lo lleva a cabo Liberty Pumps o uno de sus centros de servicio autorizados, la garantía quedará...
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Consulter le fabricant pour déterminer la taille de la pompe avant l’installation. ᴹᴰ Technologie QuickTree : Les bassins de la série Pro de Liberty Pumps (sauf les modèles à évacuation latérale) comprennent la nouvelle ᴹᴰ ᴹᴰ technologie de système de flotteur QuickTree .
à 5 cm (2 po) pour les systèmes d’égout. Des tuyaux plus grands peuvent être nécessaires pour éliminer la perte de puissance due à la friction sur les longs parcours. Communiquer avec Liberty Pumps ou un autre spécialiste pour toute question au sujet des dimensions des tuyaux et débits adéquats.
* REMARQUE : Liberty Pumps, Inc. n’est pas responsable des dommages ou blessures résultant d’un démontage sur le terrain. Le démontage effectué ailleurs que chez Liberty Pumps ou à l’un de ses centres de services autorisés annule automatiquement la garantie.
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Assurez-vous que la conduite d’évacuation est de longueur suffisante pour être raccordée à la douille d’évacuation à étanchéité incorporée de la pompe, située sur la face intérieure du couvercle de la série Pro. Les pompes de relèvement Liberty Pumps utilisent des embouts filetés d’une longueur de 23,75 po pour les bassins de la série 370XL et de 17,50 po pour les bassins de la série 380XL.
été exposé à de l’humidité excessive; ou si l’étiquette portant le numéro de série, de modèle et de code a été retirée. Liberty Pumps, Inc. ne pourra être tenue responsable des pertes, dommages, frais attribuables à...