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Behringer XENYX QX602MP3 Guide De Démarrage Rapide page 12


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XENYX QX602MP3 Getting started
Step 3: Getting
Make all necessary connections.
DO NOT turn on the power yet.
Turn on your audio sources
(mixer, microphones, instruments).
Turn the mixer on.
Set all controls as shown above
(EQ and PAN/BAL centered,
all others down/off ).
Set the GAIN for each channel.
See the Gain Setting section for details.
With the MAIN MIX knob and the
PHONES/CTRL ROOM knob turned fully
counter-clockwise, turn your power amp
or powered speakers on.
Adjust the relative levels of various
microphones and instruments by turning
each LEVEL knob clockwise until you
achieve the desired balance.
Adjust the left-right position of a channel
in the stereo fi eld if necessary by turning
the channel's PAN or BAL knob.
Adjust the overall output from the mixer
to the power amp or powered speakers
by turning the MAIN MIX knob clockwise.
If the red CLIP LEDs on the VU METER light, turn the
MAIN MIX knob counter-clockwise until the CLIP
LEDs only light occasionally.
Use the channel AUX/FX knobs and
master AUX SEND knobs to send the
channel's signal to an eff ects processor or
monitor speaker connected to the AUX SEND jack. If
used for eff ects, this signal should be returned to the
Setting the channel gain
Raise Channel 1's LEVEL knob to 0.
Sing, speak or play at a normal level
through the microphone or instrument
connected to Channel 1.
Quick Start Guide
While singing or playing, turn Channel 1's
Press the MP3 PLAY button to begin
GAIN control until the Channel 1 CLIP LED
playback or to pause. During playback,
fl ashes occasionally, but not constantly.
the LED above the PLAY button will blink.
When playback is paused, the LED will light and
remain lit.
To loop an MP3 fi le, press the REPEAT
Repeat steps 1 and 2 for channel 2.
button. While the loop function is active,
the LED above the REPEAT button will
light up.
MP3 Playback
Insert your USB device with
MP3 fi les into the MP3 PLAYBACK
USB jack.
To skip forward or backward to another
Choose a routing option from the three
MP3 fi le, press and release the
buttons in the MP3 section below the
arrow buttons.
• TO LINE 5/6 swaps the stereo channel 5/6 source
from analog to MP3. This routing option allows you
apply EQ and eff ects, change the stereo balance by
using the BAL knob, and control the MP3 level in the
overall mix by using the channel 5/6 LEVEL knob.
• TO PHNS/CTRL sends MP3 audio to the PHONES
and CTRL ROOM OUT outputs. You can then
To adjust the MP3 volume from the MP3
control the output level by using the PHONES/
PLAYBACK section, press and hold the
arrow buttons.
• TO MAIN MIX sends MP3 audio straight to the
main mix.

