1. Extra-fine flour.
Bread flour contains a high proportion of gluten and is therefore especially strong due to its protein content. The
dough becomes elastic and does not come together after proving. Due to its higher gluten content compared with
traditional flour, this flour is suitable for large loaves of bread, which are less crumbly. Bread flour is the main
ingredient when baking bread.
2. All-purpose flour
All-purpose flour is produced from a blend of wheat and durum wheat and is suitable for fast baking and for
3. Whole-wheat flour
Whole-wheat flour is ground wholemeal and contains husks and grains of corn. Whole-wheat flour is heavier and
meatier than traditional flour. Bread made from whole-wheat flour is generally smaller. Therefore, in order to get the
best results, most recipes use a mix of whole-wheat and bread flour.
4. Buckwheat flour
Buckwheat flour is rich in dietary fibre just like whole-wheat flour. In order to achieve high volume after proving, this
flour must be mixed with a large proportion of bread flour.
5. Cake flour
Cake flour consists of finely ground wheat or low protein wheat and is especially used for baking cakes. The
different flours appear to be the same, but the absorbency or the swelling properties with yeast varies according to
the producing area, grinding method and the shelf life. Therefore try different brands of flour products in order to
find the most suitable flour for your taste.
6. Cornflour and oatmeal
Cornflour and oatmeal consist of ground maize and oats. They are used as an addition to chunky bread types in
order to improve the taste and consistency.
7. Sugar
Sugar is an important addition to sweeten and give colour to bread. It supplies nourishment for the yeast. It is
essential that white sugar is used. Brown sugar, icing sugar and candyfloss can also be used for certain recipes.
8. Yeast
Yeast produces fermentation materials. This fermentation process creates carbon dioxide, which makes the bread
rise and gives it a fluffy structure. A nutrient solution from sugar and flour is needed to prove the yeast dough
1 Tsp dry yeast =
2 Tsp dry yeast = 1.5 tsp instant yeast
5 Tsp dry yeast = 3
Yeast should be stored in a cool place, as it dies off in high temperatures. Check the expiry date before use. Place
the remains in the refrigerator after use. When bread doesn't rise, this is mainly due to expired or died off yeast
You can test whether the yeast is fresh or whether it has already died off by using the test below.
Add 1 tsp of white sugar and stir. Then sprinkle 2 tsp of yeast over the water.
Place the measuring jug in a warm place for approx. 10 mins. Do not disturb the water.
The dough blows up to the measurement mark "1 cup". If not, the yeast has died off.
tsp instant yeast
1 tsp instant yeast
a cup of warm water (45-60°C) into a measuring jug.