it taut, connect the wire to the eye of the last
insulator. Use a fence connecting cable (insulated
wire) to connect the upper wire to the Elephant
HelioKit HS10.
Caution! The upper and lower wires must NEVER
touch or be connected to one another!
Practical tips
Correct installation is essential for the proper
functioning of your energizer. We recommend a
voltmeter to test the device and the proper func-
tioning of the fence.
All the materials needed for a fence are available
separately (
Earthing is the essential base for a good
electric fence
Why is earthing necessary and how does it
The electric fence is a closed circuit system
through which current flows. The electric fence
consists of an energizer, a fence wire that carries
the current (electric wire, electric ribbon or electric
cord), insulators that prevent the current from
flowing into the ground and good earthing. The
earthing ensures that the current can flow back to
the energizer when the animal touches the fence.
This causes the fright response.
What does the earthing system look like?
For good earthing you need an earthing pin. We
recommend using additional earthing for sandy soil
or very dry soil.
How to measure the earthing quality?
Needed: a digital voltmeter
1. Check if there is more than 3000 Volt of tension
on the fence, at least 100 m away from the
earthing system.
2. Then, at the same spot, create a short circuit
that results in less than 1000 Volts of tension
on the fence. You can short circuit the wires by
leaning metal posts against the fence.
3. Measure the tension on the earthing system. If it
is more than 300 Volts, install additional earthing
pins and test again.
If you do not have a digital voltmeter, use a blade
of grass to test the fence. To do this, hold the blade
of grass between your thumb and your index finger
and then put the end of the blade on the electric
wire. Move the blade of grass along the wire until
you feel a current pulse.
073504_Handleiding_HS10-Compact_A5.indd 6
Training your animal
The secret is and will always be good training. The
Elephant HelioKit HS10 is an aid that makes things
easier for you and your pet. Your pet learns to
avoid the borders of your garden or yard because
you want it to. After all, you are the boss.
And other animals will know right away that they
are not welcome on your property.
It is important to allow your pets to get used to this
new situation.
Follow these 3 steps for successful training:
1. Turn on the power as soon as the fence is
installed. Make sure your pet is not able to touch
the fence without being corrected by the electric
2. Stay with your pet in the garden when you use
the fence for the first time. Shout 'no' when the
pet gets an electric shock. Your voice together
with the electric shock tells the animal that it is
bad to touch the fence.
3. It is important for the training of your pet that
it touches the fence shortly after it has been
installed. This way it learns immediately that the
fence is off limits.
Keeping other, unwanted animals out
Unwanted visitors, such as other people's dogs
and cats must learn right away that they are no
longer welcome. Therefore turn the power on im-
mediately after you have installed the fence. The
visitor's curiosity will quickly tempt it to touch the
fence, resulting in a clear 'off limits' signal.
Be careful when using batteries
New or used batteries:
• Do not disassemble
• Do not short circuit
• Do not expose to high temperatures
• Do not burn
• Avoid high humidity
• Keep batteries out of reach of children
Batteries must be recycled or disposed of in the
correct manner.
NEVER dispose of them in the household waste.
29-01-16 13:58