Red Sea MAX
10 LED Set up and programming
To set up and program the ReefLED
with the LED module:
Programming guidelines:
Photoperiod: Day/moonlight
The day photoperiod should be between 8 – 12 hours with no more than
about 9 hours at maximum intensity. Corals and fish must have daily
periods of darkness. Moonlight should be limited to a maximum period of
about 4 hours.
To prevent photo-inhibition due to the high intensity of LED lights, an
acclimation period is recommended for new systems or when introducing
new corals.
Acclimation will vary for different kinds of corals however it is
recommended to allow a period of 8 weeks for new set-ups.
During the acclimation period look for signs of photo stress and photo-
inhibition such as:
• Whitening/Bleaching of the upper section of the tissue (the lower
section will continue to show pigments and zooxanthellae).
• Polyps retraction.
• Gas bubbles inside the soft tissue.
In the event of any of the above symptoms immediately reduce the
Acclimation intensity by 20% for about 4 weeks and thereafter increase
by 5% per week until maximum intensity is reached.
90 follow the instructions provided
When introducing new corals to already acclimated systems, start by
positioning them at the lower levels of the aquarium and gradually
raising them to their desired position over a period of several weeks.
Keep watching for signs of photo inhibition/stress and if necessary return
an affected coral to lower levels for recuperation.