This product is intended for indoor air purification and surface purification (non-medical
devices) purposes only.
The product is not suitable for cleaning, disinfection or sterilization of medical devices.
The product shall not be equipped with general lighting lamps, nor shall the UV-C lamp
be installed in general lighting luminaires.
This product is meant for professional use only. Installation must be carried out by a
qualified professional. By purchasing this product, you declare that you are purchasing
this for professional use and are/will engage qualified persons to properly install,
operate and maintain this product.
This product shall not be energized during installation, maintenance or replacement of
the lamp.
It is strictly prohibited to use the product in places with inflammable and explosive materials
This product emits UV-C light during operation. Always avoid direct or reflected UV-C
light exposure to humans and animals.
UV-C radiation produced by this product during operation may cause serious damage to
eyes and skin after relatively short exposure times. No humans or animals are allowed
to stay nearby. See following table for information about irradiance ES and exposure time
texp depending on the distance d:
d [m]
Ensure that humans and animals are out of the operation space when this product is in
service! Start purification process only if the room has been cleared. Following is an
unexhaustive list of recommendations to achieve this goal. More than one option may be
Lock the room during operation;
Warning sing, warning lamp or warning sound may be used;
Product should be switched on by trained, delegated people only;
Switch should be outside the room;
Switch should not be easily confused with normal light switches;
Switch may be mounted not less than 2m from the ground;
Switch may be equipped with a locking device which can only be operated by
dedicated operators;
A door switch may be used that switches off the product if any door is opened;
Operation of the product can be identified by a slight bluish glow of the lamp.
Training of personnel not to enter the room respectively leave the room immediately
while the product is on. This is a second level measure if other methods like locking
the room or entrance warning failed.
The product is equipped with an IR sensor which switches off the lamp immediately if
unexpected human beings are detected inside the UV-working space. Do not rely on the
sensor alone. It is only a second level safety measure in case of misuse or violation of
the safety precautions above.
The sensitivity of the sensor decreases at room temperatures above 35°C.
Do not cover IR sensor or block its view in any conditions.