➤ For fitting on curved surfaces, fig.1, the mount-
ing ring (1) can be used, fig.2.
➤ The O-ring (30x3.2) is laid between nut/ring
and bodywork.
➤ Drill a hole with a diameter of 24.5 mm.
➤ File V shaped groove with a Ø 3 round file
➤ The brackets can be fitted on both sides
depending on the installation location, fig.4.
➤ The contact can be adjusted back and forth and
turned in order to achieve the desired position.
➤ The contact is normally fitted with the cap hinge
at the top, fig. 5.
➤ Where possible, the contact must be fitted so
that it is tilting slightly forwards. If the contact
is fitted with the front pointing upwards, then
the lower of the three weaker areas (2) must be
opened to allow the water to drain away.
➤ A knife, or similar, can be used for this, fig.7.
➤ This applies to fitting in brackets as well as to
➤ Once the DEFA device socket has been
installed, this must be labelled with the sign
Installing the DEFA device socket