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Forma 5 MOTION Guide De L'utilisateur page 7


Keeping the above aspects in mind, it is appropriate to comment on the position which
must be adopted by a worker seated at the workstation:
There should be at least 55 cm
between the computer screen and
the user's eyes. In addition, the
screen should be placed directly
in front of the user, and not off to
one side.
The upper part of the screen
should be at eye height.
Regulación lumbar
Es muy aconsejable que el
respaldo regule los movi-
mientos tanto hacia delante
como hacia atrás pudiendo
bloquearse o liberarse a gus-
to del usuario.
Consistencia del asiento
Tanto la espuma de alta den-
sidad como la espuma in-
yectada son dos materiales
resistentes, duraderos y con-
fortables, que cumplen a la
perfección con su cometido.
Base de 5 puntos
Para facilitar un movimiento
que implique menos esfuer-
zo de desplazamiento y para
que aporte a la silla una es-
tabilidad y firmeza correctas,
la base debe disponer de 5
puntos de apoyo de las rue-
das con el suelo.
Thighs must be horizontal in
the seat, and both feet must be
completely supported with free
space below the table.
Users should take regular
breaks to move and stretch, and
change positions from time to time.
Réglage lombaire
Il est particulièrement con-
seillé que le dossier contrôle
les mouvements aussi bien
en avant qu'en arrière, en se
bloquant ou se débloquant
selon le goût de l'usager.
Consistance du siège
Aussi bien la mousse à hau-
te densité que la mousse
injectée sont deux matériaux
résistants, durables et con-
fortables qui respectent à la
perfection leur promesse.
Base à 5 points
Afin de faciliter un mouvement
qui implique moins d'effort
de déplacement et pour que
la chaise dispose d'une
stabilité et d'une fermeté
correctes, la base doit disposer
de 5 points d'appui des rou-
lettes au sol.
Users should also rest their
eyes periodically to preserve their
sight. For example, they might
focus on objects other than the
screen and on distant points.
adjustable lumbar support
Having a back support that
regulates both forward and
backward movements, it can
be made rigid or flexible ac-
cording to user preference
and is highly recommended.
Seat consistency
Both highdensity foam and
injected foam are resistant,
durable and comfortable ma-
terials which fulfil this purpo-
se perfectly.
5-point base
In order to reduce the effort
involved in moving and provi-
de the chair with the proper
stability and firmness, the
base should have five points
at which the wheels touch
the floor.

