4. Audio Mode
CSS404 runs 4 audio modes :
Left or right, watch over is on both channel. Should an error occur on Left or Right, CSS404 goes on ALARM
Left and Right watch over is on both channel. Should an error occur on both and only on both Left and Right, CSS404
goes on ALARM.
Left, watch over only on left channel.
Right, watch over only on right channel.
5. AES Error
This is probably the more important CSS 404 digital filter. When it is enabled, CSS404 verify the digital carrier presence.
Should this one disappear, CSS404 immediately switches to back up audio signal without taking in account the Alarm
Delay parameter.
More and more in use, "VALIDITY BIT" from the AES/EBU frame, allows encoding a fault on the audio sample. When this
filter is enabled, if the VALIDITY BIT comes to 1, CSS404 switches to back up audio signal .
"CODING ERROR" filter is used to check that data coding on the digital stream, complies to Bi-phase coding as used in
AES/EBU protocol, otherwise CSS404 switches to back up audio signal.
This type of error can result in strange noises not detected by other filters.
Within AES/EBU stream, each under frame contains a bit indicating parity of the binary word from the under frame.
The "PARITY ERROR" filter is used to check that the parity is the same before and after decoding. Should an error occur,
CSS404 switches to back up audio signal.
This error can generate strange noises that can pass trough other filters.
"CONFIDENCE FLAG" is intend to check the compliance of incoming digital signal to AES/EBU " eye diagram". In other
words, this filter is able to check the stream quality, and to switch to the back up audio signal, if the signal is not good
enough to deliver a perfect audio.
Note: All "AES error filters can be enabled at the same time.
When an audio mode is on the key changes to blue.
Only an audio mode can be on in the same time.
When No lock filter is on the key changes to blue
When Validity filter is on the key changes to blue
When Coding filter is on the key changes to blue
When Parity filter is on the key changes to blue
When Confidence filter is on the key changes to blue