(+ = Red, - = Black)
Connect the RX battery to the charging lead. Please use always this sequence to avoid any
kind of short circuits. When the connection is done properly the LED indicator will illuminate.
Please check the tabel at the end of the instruction manual for the correct charging times.
All kind of charging leads with banana plugs can be connected to the output. Ask your dealer
for the charging leads suitable for your battery packs.
The charger does not stop the charging sequence automatically.
Disconnect the battery when the battery is charged. The RX output is
used by preference on a mains supply. When using the RX output on a
12V source the charge current will be lower.
See table for the at the end of the manual for thecorrect values. When the
battery becomes hot, stop the charging process immediately.
When a battery is fully charged
Charging a TX battery
To charge a TX battery, use the TX output. This output is suitable to slowcharge 6 to 8 cells
with a capacity from 270 mAh to 2400 mAh. The charging current is fixed at 150 mA.
Connect the charger to the mains supply. Connect the charging lead with banana connectors
to the TX output. Please pay attention to the polarity (+ = Red, - = Black)
Connect the TX battery to the charging lead. Please use always this sequence to avoid any
kind of short circuits. When the connection is done properly the LED indicator will illuminate.
Please check the tabel at the end of the instruction manual for the correct charging times.
All kind of charging leads with banana plugs can be connected to the output. Ask your dealer
for the charging leads suitable for your battery packs.
The charger does not stop the charging sequence automatically.
Disconnect the battery when the battery is charged. The TX output is
used by preference on a mains supply. When using the TX output on a
12V source the charge current will be lower.
See table at the end of the manual for the correct values. When the
battery becomes hot, stop the charging process immediately .
When a battery is fully charged
Fast charging of NiCad & NIMH batteries
Use the fast charge output to connect your battery. This output is suitable to charge 6 to 8(*)
NiCad & NIMH batteries with a capacity from 1300 mAh to 3000 mAh.The fast charge current
is approx. 3 A.
You can connect empty or half discharged batteries without any danger. The charger stops
the charging process automatically using the 'Delta Peak' technology.
Connect the charger to a 240V mains supply or a 12V DC source. Connect your charge lead
to the fast charge output. To connect the cable, pull the lever to the back and put the cable
in the hole. Release the lever and verify the good connection by pulling the cable gently.
1. firts disconnect the battery from the charging lead
2. disconnect the charging lead from the charger
3. disconnect the charger from the mains or 12V supply
1. first disconnect the battery from the charging lead
2. disconnect the charging lead from the charger
3. disconnect the charger from the mains or 12V supply
Please pay attention to the polarity (+ = Red, - = Black)