I nsert suitable installation devices (e .g .
socket inserts) into the mounting support as
shown and connect them . Also connect the
PE connection of the service unit .
I nsert the mounting support in the service
unit and screw it tight .
Applying the floor covering and adjusting
the height
Apply the floor covering, leaving an ex-
pansion joint of 1–5 mm to the service unit .
C ut out a key for the recess in the hinged lid
and, depending on the thickness of the floor
covering, stick it into the recess, flush to the
exterior frame of the hinged lid, using an ad-
ditional insert, e .g . with mounting adhesive .
a nd Adjust the height of the top edge of
the service unit, so that it is flush with the top
edge of the floor covering . To do so, unscrew
the four height adjustment supports accord-
ingly, using a slotted screwdriver .