The parameters for the seconds can have 1-5 digits. Valid
parameters are e.g. 1, 90 or 99999. No leading "Zeros" have to
be added. Example: "O1:90" stands for 90 seconds.
Please observe the difference between the figure '0' and
the letter 'O'!. (O1ON. Contains twice the letter O; V1:0.
contains once the figure 0)
Basic functions
When you call the STD32 from the configured mobile
phone the relay 1 switches for one second. Immediately
after that the STD32 sends a reply SMS with the actual
status of the inputs and outputs.
When the digital input IN1 is activated for one second, the
STD32 sends a SMS with the text „EVENT ALARM1" to
the preconfigured phone number
When the digital input IN2 is activated for one second, the
STD32 sends a SMS with the text „EVENT ALARM2" to
the preconfigured phone number.
Switching through SMS
After the STD32 has received a SMS with the text
„O1ON" (Output 1 ON) from the configured mobile phone,
the relay 1 switches for one second. With the SMS
„O2ON" relay 2 switches for one second.
If the switching time has been set to 0 by a configuration
SMS the relays switch permanently.