Reduce dust exposure:
Particles generated when working with this
machine may contain substances that can
cause cancer, allergic reactions, respiratory
diseases, birth defects or other propagation
defects. Some of these substances include: Lead
(in paint containing lead),mineral dust (from bricks,
concrete etc.), additives used for wood treatment
(chromate, wood preservatives), some wood types
(such as oak or beech dust), metals, asbestos.
The risk depends on for how long the user or
nearby persons are exposed to the substance.
This dust must not be allowed to enter your body.
Do the following to reduce exposure to these
substances: Ensure good ventilation of the
workplace and wear appropriate protective
equipment, such as respirators able to filter
microscopically small particles.
Observe the relevant guidelines for your material,
staff, application and place of application (e.g.
occupational health and safety regulations,
Collect the generated particles at the source, avoid
deposits in the surrounding area.
Use suitable accessories for special work (see
chapter 11.), thus less particles enter the
environment in an uncontrolled manner.
Use a suitable extraction unit. Reduce dust
exposure with the following measures:
- Do not direct the escaping particles and the
exhaust air stream at yourself or nearby persons
or on dust deposits.
- Use an extraction unit and/or air purifiers
- Ensure good ventilation of the workplace and
keep clean using a vacuum cleaner Sweeping or
blowing stirs up dust
- Vacuum or wash the protective clothing Do not
blow, beat or brush
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