The flue creates the negative air pressure within the stove which induces the air into the burner. For the correct
operation of the burner this air flow must be proportioned to the firing rate of the burner. The following chart
illustrates the required negative air pressures relative to the burner settings, with the shaded band giving the
tolerance within which the burner will give satisfactory performance.
Correct Flame Pattern
No assessment of flame size or pattern should be made until the stove and flue have reached full operating
temperature and the correct negative pressure within the stove has been achieved. All adjustments to the oil
metering valve should be followed with a 10 minute period of undisturbed running before making any assessment
and several minutes should be allowed for the flue draft to stabilise after adjusting the flue stabiliser.
Low Fire (Minimum)
The catalyser will glow brightly from its inner core of vanes and with a dull red blow from its outer vanes, with the
only visible flames being horizontal blue translucent jets dancing between the catalyser and the holes in the
burner cylinder wall.
Low Fire (Maximum)
The main body of the flame should be a translucent ring, beginning from the top row of holes in the burner body
and finishing approximately 1.18 inches above the burner rim. The complete catalyser should be glowing brightly
with blue flame jets dancing horizontally between the calalyer and the holes in the burner cylinder wall.
High Fire
A bright white/yellow, incandescent flame beginning at the top ring of holes in the burner body and drawing into
a thinner column which will begin to break up to gently lick the top of the stove. If the flame size is increased
beyond this size and allowed to impinge against the stove top the flame will be chilled and the resulting
incomplete combustion will produce smoke.