at a programmed date and time:
g) Manual start
Press shortly on the pushbutton
It displays the temperature in °C degrees, channel number, measurement unit and memory status.
The green LED flashes every minute.
h) Alarm visualisation
The SPY RF is equipped with different alarm indicators, when a threshold limit is overpassed.
Pre alarm
Threshold indicator
High or low
i) Measurement stop
Depending on the configuration, the SPY RF can stop recording or not. The different options are:
©JRI Maxant
dd / mm / yy
hh / mm / ss
Value measured
Flashes every 15"
Working LED (green):
2'' => starting measurements
then flashes every 1 minute
Working LED (green):
2'' => starting measurements
then flashes every 1 minute
Alarm LED (red):
Flashes every 15''.
To stop your SPY RF, press between 5
and 10" on the button:
The 2 LEDs are on and then flash
The screen goes off, Halt goes on.