This 'anua' ensures safe and eficient use "f the DIN-rai' ti'er (referred t" as device in the f"''"w-
ing). This manual is a component of the device and must remain accessible at all times for everyone
who uses the device. Everyone who uses the device must have read and understood this manual
bef"re c"''encing any w"rk. The basic "rere„uisite f"r w"rking safe'y is c"'"'iance with a'' safety
instructi"ns and usage instructi"ns s"eciied in this 'anua'.
This manual is copyright protected.
Hand"ver "f this 'anua' t" third "arties, re"r"ducti"ns "f any ty"e and f"r' – inc'uding excer"ts –
and use and/"r disc'"sure "f the c"ntent with"ut the written "er'issi"n "f the 'anufacturer, exce"t
f"r interna' "ur""ses, is n"t "er'itted. żi"'ati"ns wi'' resu't in 'iabi'ity f"r c"'"ensati"n. The 'anu-
facturer reserves the right to assert additional claims.
The copyright is held by the manufacturer.
Y"u can ind the f"''"wing inf"r'ati"n at
Download instructions and technical data.