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* Should this installation process entail the cutting of the bumper – 104Nm (with self-locking nut) conformation MUST be obtained by the installation engineer of the customer’s acceptance prior to completion. Brink International do not accept responsibility for any matters arising as a result of this miscommunication.
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Dispositivo di traino tipo: 3800 Per autoveicoli: Grand Cherokee (WH); 2005-> Commander (XH); 2006-> Tipo funzionale: Classe e tipo di attacco: A50-X Omologazione: e11 00-4329 Valore D: 15,9 kN Carico Verticale max. S: 350 kg Larghezza rimorchiabile per Caravan e T.A.T.S.: 2,45m vedere CARTA di CIRCOLAZIONE VEICOLO (motrice) + 70 cm = ..arrotondare ai 5 cm superiore (vedi D.M.28/05/85)